The Rh Factor is an inherited protein that may be found on the surface of your red blood cells. You are Rh positive (Rh+) if your blood cells contain the …
O is for Oxytocin
Oxytocin is a hormone that plays a role in regulating: social interaction, sexual reproduction, maternal-child boding, labor, and milk production. They hypothalamus produces this hormone. Physical affection causes an increase …
N is for NICU
When you find out you’re pregnant, you may begin preparing: hiring a doula, booking a birth planning session, reading about breastfeeding and car seat safety. Nobody prepares for the news …
M is for Meconium
Meconium is the first substance that occupies your baby’s bowels. The substances your baby ingests while in utero makes up meconium. It may include: skin cells, lanugo (the fine hair …
K is for Ketosis
With all the buzz about keto diets, I thought i would take some time to discuss the original ketogenic diet – breastmilk! Did you know that newborns are born in …
J is for Jaundice
Jaundice occurs when bilirubin, a metabolic product of the breakdown of red blood cells (RBCs) builds up in the blood. It manifests as a yellow tine to the skin and …
G is for Group B Strep
Group B Streptococcus (GBS) is a bacteria that is indigenous to the gastrointestinal tract and vagina. GBS colonization occurs in roughly 25% of healthy adult. A positive culture (done via …
Oh, Baby! Take Your Shirt Off! | Skin-to-Skin
By now I’m sure you’ve seen the picture of “The Rock” skin-to-skin with his new daughter Tiana. It’s sweet, beautiful, and beneficial. You’ve likely heard about and researched the benefits …
Five Ways for Non-Breastfeeding Family Members to Bond with Your Baby
A common concern of breastfeeding women is that the baby’s father, sibling, and/or grandparents won’t be able to bond with the new baby because they will be the only person …
Delaying Your Baby’s First Bath
It’s no surprise that babies aren’t born looking clean. Depending on how many weeks gestation your baby is when she is born, she may have a white film on her. …
Early Breastfeeding – 10 Tips for Breastfeeding Sucess
If you’ve read my posts, joined my Facebook group, or spoken to me in person, you know that I am constantly reassuring new moms that just because breastfeeding is natural …
Cord Care – What the Heck Do I Do with My Newborn’s Umbilical Stump?
You just gave birth and your new baby is perfect in every way. If you have friends or family with children, you may have practiced some baby care basics like changing …
Pets and Babies – Tips for Introducing Your Pet to Your New Baby
If you have pets, you know what a big part of the family they are. I spoke with Anne Wetzel, a former veterinary technician with over a decade of experience, …
Intact Newborn Care – Basic Hygiene for Intact Baby Boys
Did you know that an intact penis is self-cleaning? How amazing is that! So, you may be wondering, how do you take care of your baby’s uncircumcised penis? Well, it’s …
What Preemie Parents Want You to Know
Did you know that preterm births account for 12% of births in the US? A premature baby is is one who is born between 27 and 34 weeks gestation. A baby …
Baby Basics: The Bare Minimum You Need When Bringing Home Baby
If you take a few moments to look at all that is out there for a new baby, it will quickly become overwhelming. How do you know what you really …
Sleep: The Best Gift You Can Give a New Mom
Sleep. It’s crucial to life and healthy function. We need it, look forward to it (unless, of course, you’re a toddler), and enjoy it. And we know to expect less …
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