Choosing a Birth Doula in Putnam County NY
If you’re reading this blog, you’re likely either pregnant or preparing to become pregnant. Meaning one of the biggest days of your life is ahead of you – the day you welcome your baby into your family. This is a huge transition! The most important predictor of a positive birthing experience is choosing a supportive birth team, including choosing a birth doula in Putnam county NY who is able to offer continuous support to you during labor. Once your birth team has been chosen it is essential that you communicate your birth preferences to all the members so everyone is on the same page. While it is true that birth is unpredictable and everything may not go as planned, if your birth team knows what your goals are, they can do their best to help you meet as many as possible, while keeping your safety and the safety of your baby at the forefront of thse decision.

Rebecca and Janet are two of our doulas. They love speaking with families who are in the process of choosing a birth doula in Putnam county NY.
So what should you look for when choosing a birth doula in Putnam county NY? We’re glad you asked!.
Choose a birth doula who has a solid back up
Labor, like life, is unpredictable. Your doula is looking forward to working with you, just as you’re looking forward to working with her. Before you hire your doula you should know who will be attending your birth in the off event that the doula you hire cannot. It should be a specific person, not a list for you to call until you find someone who is available.
At Blissful Birthing we have taken “back up” one step further – we provide each of our clients a team of two doulas who share a call schedule. Both of your doulas will be present at your birth planning session. When you go into labor the doula who is on-call will know exactly how to support you so you have the best chance of reaching your goals. You will be provided with our call schedule upon hire so you will know who to call and expect to come to the hospital when it’s go time!
Choose a doula who supports all birth scenarios
You will want to choose a doula who is capable of supporting your birth – however it unfolds. Because birth does not always go “according to plan”. She should be neutral and able to support you; you should not feel judged if you decide you want an epidural, induction, or cesarean birth. Blissful Birthing’s doulas are fully supportive of all births. We are experienced in supporting women opting for an unmedicated birth, as well as those who want or need an epidural, induction, or cesarean.
Choose a doula with no birth philosophy
Yes, you read that correctly. Our doulas do not have a birth philosophy. Your birth philosophy becomes ours when we are supporting you in welcoming your baby. We do not bring any personal baggage or agendas to your birthing space. The goal of Blissful Birthing’s professional doulas is to support our clients in ways that are meaningful and helpful to them. As you can imagine, this support will look different for each client. You may be the client who wants support in giving birth without an epidural. Or you may be the client we help change position every 45 minutes after getting an epidural so labor continues to progress. Have you and your doctor decided that a scheduled induction or cesarean is the best choice for you? We can support you! Our doulas are honored to be part of such a variety of births!
Choose a doula who offers a variety of services
Our doulas are parents and we understand that it can be challenging at times to ask for help. We also know how nice it is to have a “go to” person or people when questions arise and that was the impetus for us offering a range of services. You can expect the same high-quality of support from all of our practitioners. Because our team members are constantly in contact with each other, you can expect a seamless standard of care.
Choose a doula who is honest about what she can and cannot do
Doulas are non-medical birth professionals. As such there are some tasks that your doula cannot do, including:
- reposition your breach or transverse baby.
- check fetal heart tones.
- replace of your OB or midwife.
- prevent you from having a cesarean birth or enable you to have a VBAC.
- This is SO important to note. The medical practice you have chosen is responsible for the medical aspect of your care. The doula (or doula team) you have hired helps support you physically, informationally, and emotionally. It is your medical provider who will make the decision of which way is safest for you to deliver your baby, not your doula. This blog we wrote on VBACs explains this point better.
How can your doula team help? Your doulas can support you during pregnancy, labor and delivery, and after your baby is born by:
- helping you understand the options your medical team may present you with, if you wish.
- assisting you in formulating a fluid birthing plan, understanding possible interventions and preparing you for as many outcomes as possible.
- serving as a constant, encouraging presence during labor, delivery, and in the immediate postpartum period.
Where Does Blissful Birthing Work?
Our doulas support families delivering at The Birthing Center at Putnam Hospital as well as at these area hospitals:
- New York-Presbyterian Hudson Valley
- Northern Westchester Hospital
- Phelps Memorial Hospital
- White Plains Hospital
- New York-Presbyterian Lawrence Hospital
- Greenwich Hospital
- Neugarten Family Birth Center at Northern Dutchess Hospital
- Vassar Brothers Medical Center
Other Blogs for Families who are Choosing a Birth Doula in Putnam county NY:
Remember Your Nurses!
Hospital “Go” Bag – What do I need to Bring to the Hospital?
Baby Basics
This list reflects the beliefs of Blissful Birthing and it’s affiliates. The contents of this article are not medical advice.
Our cover photo is courtesy of Simone at Archive Photo.