natural labor induction

5 Natural Ways to Induce Labor

induce labor westchester ny doulaTime always seems to pass more slowly when we’re waiting for something. The last month of pregnancy is no exception. Many women are anxious to meet their new babies and to not be pregnant anymore. If you’re looking for ways to pass the time (and possibly induce labor naturally) here are five suggestions.

It is important to remember that your due date can vary by up to five weeks (typically three weeks before and two weeks after your “due date”). Your baby will come when the time is right. Be sure to discuss any method of inducing labor (natural or medical) with your care provider.

Induce Labor…Naturally

  1. Sex -That’s right – the same thing that got the baby in there may help get him out! Sex may help induce labor in three ways:
    • If you reach orgasm, the uterus may be stimulated to contract
    • Oxytocin (the “feel good” hormone) is released during labor and breastfeeding, and it’s release during sex may aid in jump-starting labor
    • Semen contains high levels of prostaglandins which can help to soften (or “ripen”) the cervix
  2. Acupuncture – Acupuncture is a Traditional Chinese Medicine practice of stimulating different parts of the body with very fine needles to influence the movement of Qi (the “life force”) throughout your body. Your acupuncturist will stimulate points that encourage the release of oxytocin and prostaglandins, both helpful in starting and maintaining labor.
    1. Dr. Beil of The Center for Health and Healing was kind enough to answer some of our questions about acupuncture here.
  3. Pineapple or Spicy Food – There is no “secret food” that will cause you to go into labor. However, if there is a particular food that makes you have to “go to the bathroom,” it might not hurt to eat some. Eating foods that cause you to go to the bathroom more than usual may help stimulate uterine contractions. The same prostaglandins that stimulate your bowels to move can ripen your cervix and cause your uterus to contract. Doctors used to order enemas upon admission to clear out your bowels and nudge labor along. Thanks, prostaglandins!
  4. Nipple Stimulation – This goes back to oxytocin that we talked about previously. Nipple stimulation (either manually or with a breast pump) causes your body to release oxytocin. The oxytocin receptors on your uterus will be influenced by the oxytocin you are releasing if your body is ready to go into labor.
  5. Walking – Don’t walk to the point of exhaustion (you’re going to need your energy for labor) but movement causes your pelvis to move. This motion can help your baby to engage in a favorable position for labor. Some women will walk with one foot on the curb (or sidewalk) and one off, again working to open the pelvis so the baby can get where he needs to be.

Additional Reading

I is for Induction

Hospital “Go” Bag

5 Things You Don’t Have to Do (Just Because You’re Hiring a Doula)


The above information is not medical advice and does not take the place of consulting with your healthcare provider. This post is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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  1. Pingback: I is for Induction | Blissful Birthing

  2. Pingback: Curb Walking to Induce Labor | Blissful Birthing

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